In the midst of uncertain times and a tumultuous world, we at Ridgeview Church of God have a certainty that He holds tomorrow and that all events are in His control. We know that Jesus Christ needs to be at the center of what we believe and what is taught. The times we are in continue to show us that,
“..the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18.
There is still and will always be, power in the gospel, in the truth of Gods inspired word and the blood of Jesus Christ. We hold these truthful convictions dear and trust that God will use our church body to impact those we speak with and serve.
We have chosen as a church not to be caught up in movements, fads and programs. Rather, we want to be raptured with His word, the leading of His voice, and power of the Holy Ghost to still accomplish the miraculous in the lives of those that love and believe Him.
Furthermore, this church is rooted in a very distinct community and heritage in rural northwestern Colorado. Our heart is that God would use us first in our homes, then in our church, thirdly to our community. We love our community and are believing God to use us for righteous lasting impact locally.
Lastly, we desire that those that attend would come as they are and God would cause them to leave changed. Our world is full of self help, self esteem, self preservation and self conscious selfishness. Never once in the word of God do we see Jesus Christ acting in anyway contrary to selflessness. We desire our church to be a family, filled with families. Filled also with people that love people. We desire to serve. Our focus is not to be faultfinding in the outward, but allowing Gods word to change all inwardly. Subsequently, that inward work of God changes the outward for righteousness. We say “Come as you are; leave changed.” The goal and vision is like what the apostle Paul said,
“My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you,” Galatians 4:19.
We are in desperate travail in these times of compromise that Christ be formed in us to impact people in a dying world.
-Pastor Wyatt